Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I am sitting in an internet cafe in the underground mall right next to Red Square. It is very hard to know how to describe this place in a few words. Perhaps words can not describe it all to the fullest extent.
So here I am. In Moscow. Former capital of the Soviet Union. The place where the communist ideology was tested...And utterly failed. I don't want my blog to come across as overly negative, but I do believe that the short comings of communism; its flawed foundational ontological assumptions, its misreading of human nature, and the overly idealistic hope of a total classless society (tied to the previous assumption) has contributed greatly to the problems that I have already seen. I could write for hours about why this is, but will have to resort to elaborating more on this as time permits.
I will mention one situation yesterday that was most disturbing to my American ears. After arriving back at the dorm yesterday afternoon, there was a loud knock on our door. Two young Russian students requested to use our phone. It turns out that the house of one student had been broken into (she apparently lives with her family off campus) and she was trying to call home to inquire about what was taken. Apparently, the thieves took everything of significant value. I asked her whether the police had been contacted and if there were any witnesses. Since virtually everyone lives in multi-story flats here, there must have been someone around to see guys carrying home items out of the building. Giving me a strange look, she said, "What are you talking about. We are afraid of the police here. They only help you if you have money. If not, they are not your friends. If there were witnesses, they will never come forward out of fear."
I made me reflect on the fact that although our country's value system is on the decline, we can still trust in our police to try to live up to the task that they have been called to do.
Despite this fact, I will say that this city is one of the most interesting places I have ever been to. The dowtown area is beautiful. Red Square is stunning. I know that these next several months with be some of the most memorable of my life.


Blogger The Militant Pacifist said...


Great to hear that you are on site and publishing. I know that this has been a dream of yours for years. Rock on - and God bless you.

The US city of N.O. has been reduced to rubble - violent anarchy reigns on the streets of a US city. Robbery, murder and child rape are the order of the day as the "authorities" struggle to regain control after the breath of God (Hurricane Katrina) was felt. The poignant display of the "T" (flower of grace) is confirming - yet profoundly disturbing. God is purging His Church. He is caring for His people. He is seperating them from the things that would weld their souls to this world.

May God bless you as you study. May you have a sharp mind, a peaceful spirit, and a wise soul. May God bless your time in Moscow - may he make you a soul-winner.

All glory to our God and His Christ. Build the kingdom - it's really all that matters.

Our prayers and love.. E, J, N, L, R, and little El..........

6:21 PM  

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