Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm back

   After years of silence, I have decided to return to blogging.  Quite honestly, I had almost forgotten about this page until recently when I got the bright idea to start blogging about my thoughts and impressions about the world.  Then I remembered that I had actually done some blogging during my days as a student in Moscow.  I figured it would be good to return to this page since I already have a history.   I am sure after all these years I have probably lost all of my followers.  Hopefully, my writing will attract new ones, as well as rekindle the interest of those who read my posts in the past. 
  Some years have passed since those days.  Time is quite the teacher in this great pilgrimage that we call life; the world changes; your views change; all is in flux.  The fact that much has changed in my life over the last 6-8 years or so is one of the reasons why I have decided to take up blogging again.  I am well aware of the fact that there are probably thousands of blogs with similar content out there in the vast wilderness that is the World Wide Web.  However, I feel compelled to speak and speak I will.
  The content of my posts from here on will more likely than not pertain to the following subjects: Christian theology, life in Russia (those are two things that are still important in my life that have not changed much since my last post), politics and economics (two subjects that have become very interesting to me over the last 3 years or so) social issues and responding to what I am reading at the moment.  I realize that most of the subjects on the list above touch lots of nerves and are hot potatoes in American society.  Indeed, we are discouraged from talking about things like politics and religion.  I am also well aware that many of my views will offend lots of people.  Let the reader be aware that my years in Russia have made me immune to political correctness.  It practically does not exist here and is one of the things I appreciate most about living in this part of the world.  Here you can speak your mind and not have to worry much about it. I will do my best to aviod inflamatory language and invective as these generally give off more heat than light if I can use the old Evangelical cliche.  That being said, there are times when criticism, even strong criticism, is necessary.  And I think much of what is going on in the world today merits strong criticism.  I welcome constructive criticism of my remarks as I too am prone to err.  All I ask is that you try to keep the criticism constructive as I have little patience for name calling, vulgarity and ad hominems.  The Net has been good in many ways, but one area where it has not been so beneficial in the exchange of ideas is it has opened the door for everyone under the sun to participate in public discourse with virtually no accountability.  People become quite emboldened behind the safety of their home computer screens and by the relative anonymity the Net provides.  I will call these sorts of attacks what they are, so beware.   
  So there you have it.  I guess this post is more of a re-introduction to my blog.  I hope you get something out of what I have to say.  


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