Sunday, November 13, 2005

Another week has passed. It gets to a point when you stay in one place for a while that one day seems to role into another. This is how it has gotten here. Not that I am complaining, it just makes it harder to report on new things that I have done and seen. I will say that it is starting to get a little cold.
Probably the most newsworthy item of the last week was the cancelation of this weeks church service where I go to services. For seven monthes this particular fellowship met in the Salvation Army headquarters located on the east side of town. For some reason the powers that be decided that they cannot meet there anymore. I was not told why, just told to pray that God would provide a place to meet. I know this sometimes happens in the States, but as far I know, only to small struggling fellowships. This church is probably as big or bigger than my church in Texas (about 70 members or so). And so we wait for news of a new location to fit a group of this size.
Besides this bit of news, I am going to Western Russia (about as far west as you can go) next week for sure. So as promised, you all will soon see a blog about life in small town Russia.
Trying to stay warm in the Wild Wild East....


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